
Data Backup and Redundancy

接觸 IT 之後才發現很多人對 redundancy 跟 backup 之間的分野是混淆的,這種疑問就像前幾年 high availability 很熱門的時候,不少人都認為都已經有 data redundancy 了,還需要作備份嗎?

這種疑問通常忽略了萬一系統寫入異常或中毒的狀況,單純的 data redundancy 並沒辦法取回之前的資料狀態。


  • Data redundancy and backups are both intended to prevent data loss, but the two technologies are quite different.
  • Data redundancy often takes the form of a synchronized copy of the organization’s data.
  • Data redundancy can help to prevent service outages.
  • Backups, on the other hand, are copies of data and other resources.
  • Backups are also a good choice for granular recovery (recovering a single file, email message and so on). In contrast, redundant systems are better suited to situations in which the organization needs to keep critical systems online and cannot tolerate a long recovery period.
相關於 backup 與 redundancy 的字眼分別有:
  • Backup: recovery, point-in-time, versioning, mean time to recovery (MTTR), revert, offline
  • Redundancy: failover, hot spare, online synchronizing, performance, reliability
Availability 是從使用者的角度出發,無論系統是忙碌或是失效,對使用者都是 not availability,所以 availability 這字眼會同時涵蓋 backup 與 redundancy。
